As summer approaches, I feel compelled to talk about fruit!!! As many fruits are now in season, they taste better, are chock full of nutrients and are being grown much closer to home! It isn't uncommon for those on a weight loss mission to think that fruit is off limits, but I'm here to tell you that is not true! Fruits, especially berries and apples, are so nutrient dense they should be a part of any person's diet.
The most important thing about fruit is to eat the real version--exactly as it comes off the plant! Skip applesauce in favor of an apple. Eat a real peach instead of ones in a can in sugary syrup.
While it is true that fruits are higher in sugar content than the other food groups, this naturally occurring sugar does not have to sabotage your weight loss goals. Choose fruits that are lower in natural sugar: raspberries, cranberries (but not dried ones), blackberries, strawberries, papaya, watermelon, peaches, blueberries, cantaloupe, honeydew, apples, guavas, and grapefruits!
Some fruits that are higher in sugar include: plums, oranges, kiwi, pears, pineapple, cherries, grapes, pomegranate, mangos, figs, bananas, dried fruit. Don't feel like you need to avoid these fruits, just be mindful of their higher sugar/carbohydrate content and select smaller portion sizes! Have you ever noticed the apples the size of your head at the grocery store!? Yeah...avoid those :)
If you want to go the distance on making your fruit intake the healthiest, check out The Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen shopping guides:

So, this week's challenge: try a new fruit. Ever had a guava? They are the most nutrient dense fruit of them all. How about a star fruit? Or rhubarb?

Maybe I'll see you at the Bloomington Farmers Market on Saturday buying some local, yummy fruit (and vegetables)!!!

Blessing on your health!